We believe our clients are the heartbeat of our great community and provide amazing inspiration to others overcoming their own challenges.
Weight Lost: 45 pounds
When and Why did you sign up with Coastal for nutrition coaching?
I signed up to work with Gary in February 2018. I had gotten married in 2017 and didn’t like my wedding photos. Even though I was working out 3-4 times a week, I still got up to 241 lbs. I was able to drop a few lbs, but by 2018 I was stuck around 220 lbs and about to turn 39. I was sick to my stomach that I had let my body go and I messaged Gary to finally get this diet/eating plan down.
What dieting experience did you have before Coastal? What were your eating habits like?
Before Coastal, I just ate 3 meals a day and a couple of snacks. When I went to restaurants, I wouldn’t hesitate to eat 3 or 4 rolls and sometimes an appetizer. I really had no clue how many calories I was truly eating. I probably would say 3000-4000 but would have told someone I only ate 2500 or so.
What results have you seen since you started with Coastal Nutrition Coaching?
I filled out my intake sheet on February 10, 2018, and got a plan together with Gary. I probably averaged losing 1-2 lbs a week for a year till I hit 180lb mark by Jan 2019. I am now hovering around 175 lbs in June. My goal is to get to 10% Body fat and stay there.
What do you like most about working with us?
Coastal is an awesome community of clients who just love to help each other get results. The coaches make it fun and Gary worked with me to eat the way I needed to eat to get results with my lifestyle. Really helped me tune in my eating and held me accountable on a weekly basis.
What advice would you give someone who is overwhelmed with their diet and thinking of hiring a coach?
Your best thinking and actions in life got you into to moment right now. Your best thinking got you your current results. This is where a coach comes in to change your results to what you actually desire. There are few things more important in your life than getting your health and eating in order.
A coach is there to walk that journey with you. They have the expertise and the knowledge to keep you on track. They know you will have days that don’t go as planned and will be there to keep moving you forward. A Coastal coach will hold you accountable (WITHOUT JUDGMENT) and help you move forward with a specific plan and purpose to get you a leaner/stronger body.
Lightning Round Questions:
1. What is your Spirit animal?
2. If you were a Superhero, what would your superpower be?
I would pick take the same superpowers of John Wick and Chuck Norris and then join them to take on all the Avengers.
3. What is your favorite food/meal?
Chicken Fajitas
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